Podatki Podjetja
Information about the company and contact details
Company details:
DEEO d.o.o.
Gornji Črnci 26
9261 Cankova
Tax number: 91170826
Registration number: 9576274000
Email: info@hoplales.si
Bank details:
OTP banka d.d.
Account number: SI56 0400 0028 0971 402
Availability of information
The provider undertakes to always provide the customer with the following information:
- The identity of the company (company name and registered office, registration number),
- Contact details that allow the user to communicate quickly and effectively (email, phone),
- Essential characteristics of goods or services (including after-sales services and warranties),
- Availability of items (each item or service offered on the website should be available within a reasonable period; if unavailable, we will notify you),
- Delivery conditions (method, place, and time of delivery),
- All prices must be clearly and unambiguously stated, and it must be clearly shown whether they include taxes and shipping costs,
- Payment and delivery methods,
- Validity of the offer,
- The period within which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; also, whether and how much it costs the customer to return the item,
- Explanation of the complaint process, including all contact details for customer service or customer support.